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Press service

Do you have questions about the institute, are you looking for a scientific expert or an interview partner, or do you need information material? Please do not hesitate to contact us. The press office of the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research is available to media representatives as a permanent contact.

To receive information about current topics and findings in brain research on a regular basis, we are happy to include you in our press mailing list. If you are interested, please send a short message to


Press contact

Dr. Mareike Kardinal (in parental leave)
Director of Communications
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Otfried-Müller-Str. 27
72076 Tübingen

Email (which is currently not used):


For media questions, please contact from now on:

Dr. Hildegard Kaulen
Karlsruher Str. 8
65205 Wiesbaden

Phone: 06122 52718